The Third International Workshop on Integrating High-Performance and Quantum Computing
At IEEE Quantum Week
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Quantum computers, QCs, come with the promise of a substantial increase in computational capabilities compared to binary computer architectures for a range of suitable problems. They therefore have the ability to make significant contributions to the field of High-Performance Computing, HPC. On the other hand, though, quantum computing alone cannot achieve this goal, as it requires current and future HPC systems to function. As a consequence, we need a close integration between the quantum computing and the current HPC ecosystems, to form an integrated HPC/QC approach capable of bringing the combined computational abilities to a broad user base.

In this workshop, we bring together practitioners, theoreticians and users from HPC, QC and the application disciplines, to understand the needs and requirements from both sides for such an integration, to report on and discuss innovative approaches and to build a long-term bridge between the involved communities.


We invite high-quality short paper submissions on all topics related to integrating QC into the existing binary computing eco-system, with a particular focus on combining HPC and QC. We explicitly encourage submissions at all levels of the system stack, ranging from hardware integration to programming models and environments, from system software to theoretical foundations, as well as covering hybrid applications.

Papers will be reviewed by an international program committee. Reviews are blind, but not double-blind. The names of the authors will be seen by the program commit-tee.

To be considered, papers must be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair.
Papers must follow the formatting instructions of the main conference at https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024/ and must be at most 4 - 6 pages long.

For any questions, please contact Laura Schulz at schulz@lrz.de.


The list of interests includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Joint and hybrid programming models, tools and environments
  • Hybrid applications using both HPC and QC
  • Operating system, middleware, and run-time system support
  • Compiler optimizations and techniques
  • Hardware/software design trade-offs in integrated system
  • Quantum control processors and firmware
  • Housing of QC systems in data center facilities
  • Efficient cloud access to QC resources
  • Simulation and emulation of HPC/QC systems

Important Dates

Paper submissions due: July 22
Acceptance notices: July 31
Final versions due: August 5



Sven Karlsson

DTU, Denmark


Laura Brandon Schulz

LRZ, Germany


Martin Schulz

TUM, Germany

Program Committee

Venkatesh Kannan
ICHEC, Ireland
Miwako Tsuji
RIKEN, Japan
Anastasiia Butko
Robert Wille
TUM, Germany
Scott Pakin
Travis Humble
Janine Bennett


Please horizontally scroll to view full content of the Program
Talk Title Speaker/Authors
10:00 - 10:05 Welcome to WIHPQC
10:05 - 10:50 Keynote 1
Title: "Quantum Futures: Preparing for the Next Generation of Computational Technologies at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)""
Katherine Klymko, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
10:50 - 11:10 Paper presentation
Title: A Framework for Integrating Quantum Simulation and High Performance Computing
Amir Shehata, Thomas Naughton and In-Saeng Suh
11:10 - 11:30 Paper presentation
Title: CUAOA: A Novel CUDA-Accelerated Simulation Framework for the QAOA
Jonas Stein, Jonas Blenninger, David Bucher, Peter Josef Eder, Elif Çetiner, Maximilian Zorn and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien.
Talk Title Speaker/Authors
13:00 - 13:05 Welcome back
13:05 - 13:50 Keynote 2
Title: Looking back from 2039: Reflections on how we turned Konrad Zuse's Massage Technology into Quantum Supercomputers
Wolfgang Mauerer, OTH Regensburg, Germany
13:50 - 14:10 Paper presentation
Title: QPI: A Programming Interface For Quantum Computers
Ercüment Kaya, Burak Mete, Laura Schulz, Muhammad Nufail Farooqi, Jorge Echavarria and Martin Schulz
14:10 - 14:30 Paper presentation
Title: SCIM MILQ: An HPC Quantum Scheduler
Philipp Seitz, Manuel Geiger, Christian Ufrecht, Axel Plinge, Christopher Mutschler, Daniel D. Scherer and Christian B. Mendl
Talk Title Speaker/Authors
15:00 - 15:20 Paper presentation
Title: Approximating under the Influence of Quantum Noise and Compute Power
Simon Thelen, Hila Safi and Wolfgang Mauerer
15:20 - 15:40 Paper presentation
Title: Fully Integrated Quantum Method for Classical Register Allocation in LLVM
Brice Chichereau, Stephane Vialle and Patrick Carribault
15:40 - 16:00 Paper presentation
Title: Achieving Pareto-Optimality in Quantum Circuit Compilation via a Multi-Objective Heuristic Optimization Approach
Aleksandra Świerkowska, Jorge Echavarria, Laura Schulz and Martin Schulz
16:00 - 16:30 Open Discussion Moderation leads: Martin Schulz and Sven Karlsson

Registration & Participation

Registration will be through IEEE Quantum Week

The workshop will be held as an in-person event with a virtual component in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

More information on the IEEE Quantum Week 2024 can be found at: https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024